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       I'm a Character Rigging Artist & TD. I started doing computer animation from my love of cartoons. Disney films like Cinderela, Snow White and the Seven Doarfs, were the first to catch my imagination as a kid.  As the animation industry was growing so was my love for animation story telling. I started drawing at a young age and moved on to painting and sculpting. All throw high school I attended art classes in and out of school. My need of creating art grew larger and larger as I was exposed to more talletnted artist around me from attending outside classes. At that point I knew right then and there that I have found what i liked to do. 






        As high school ended I started looking for a college that would take my love for art even further. Living in Miami Florida there were a couple of schools I could attend, so I chose to go to Miami internationa Fine Arts College.  I was execpted as a 2D artists and painter. As I was chossing my classes and discussing the future of my college carear they reccomended I look into 3D animation as an elective.  Since that first class I was hooked. I was the mariage between art and story telling 2D animtion is great but 3D gave the ability to create in a new more dynamic medium. Slowly started moving towards the 3D path started taking animation, rigging, and modeling classes. The technical part of the 3D animation is as big of an attraction as the artistic  part. 


Well the rest is history 

“All our dreams come true if we have the courage to pursue them.”

–Walt E. Dysney

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